2019! It´s been an adventure from the first month on and all I can express is deep gratefulness for all that you brought into our lifes! Nothing says it better then the known quote: “to every end there is a new beginning.”
And how good it feels to date the past into the past year.. the change accomplished!
2020! Here you are!
When I learned something after 39 new year beginnings, it is that we never know what the new year will hold for us. Every year is full of surprises! So I am steping into this new chapter with curiousity and an open heart! With gratefulness and humbleness for what life is willing to offer. Determinded to take any obstacle to walk forward, to continue what 2019 started. No looking back.
To be here with all my kids. Our home. Our life. Us. That´s something that I learned to really cherish. Nothing else matters!
So may 2020 bless you all and us! Nothing is written in stone, and even if there will be storms in our life, we can be sure that the wind is just there to lead us to new lands.
What will I know in one year, sitting here.. thinking about what 2020 was like?
Anyways: I wish everybody a peaceful year, rich of love, health and beautiful moments. Let´s cherish each of them. With the ones we love. And be thankful for every soul that walked WITH us for so long and faithful.. and those who for the first time found their way into our lifes in 2019.. hopefully walking with us a little longer too 🙂
Love, Mimi